Recent Commercial Posts

Poughkeepsie, Beacon, Wappingers, and Hopewell Junction Business Owners Can Count on SERVPRO® for Restoration Services

8/5/2024 (Permalink)

Green SERVPRO trucks lined up next to a black and white commercial building. Getting your business back on its feet after disaster can be a massive undertaking. Be prepared & partner with SERVPRO® to get back to preloss fast!

SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County is here locally to support all Dutchess County business owners when impacted by a disaster like a fire, flood, severe storm, sewage backup or a biohazard situation.

We know as an owner, that it can feel like you’re facing a stressful, uphill battle after a disaster. But as a business owner in our area, you have a powerful partner in the local SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County team. Our pros are on standby 24/7 to help stabilize your property, handle any type of mitigation and restoration services as well as the rebuild, all while working directly with your insurance company and their protocols.

Tips to Help Business Owners Thrive After a Commercial Restoration Project

Your business has what it takes to thrive, even after the damage has been done. But knowing the best steps to take ahead of time will help you move forward efficiently. Here’s what we recommend:

Your disaster plan is vital. It’s difficult for most business owners and their families to focus and think clearly after a damaging event. That’s why it’s smart to plan for these situations before they happen. Before you need it, build an emergency plan and spend time reviewing and learning the steps. If you’re impacted by a disaster, read the steps you laid out again (or a few times) and follow them carefully.

Document the damage you’ve suffered. Take plenty of pictures. You will want to do these before you start cleaning up the damage so your insurance company can get an accurate picture of what happened. Since the time of COVID-19, more insurance companies are using virtual programs and videos to obtain what is needed.  Also, inventory lost or damaged items. We highly recommend you take photos of inventory well in advance of issues coming up so you’re able to compare and document much easier should damage occur.

Stay in touch with your stakeholders. Regular contact with your suppliers, your employees, your customers and your community will put you in a better position when it’s time to open again. Social media can be a huge help with communication especially with clients and customers in addition to emails and phone calls.

Choose solid partners for mitigation and restoration. Don’t work with any restoration company that isn’t highly experienced, lacks in regular communication regularly and doesn’t utilize advanced equipment designed to restore your business to its original state.

If your business is damaged due to fire, water or any other cause, you can always count on us for restoration assistance. We have crews who are available 24⁄7 in the event of an emergency. Contact us at any time to learn more about our restoration services and how we can help you.

3 Steps to Making Your Dutchess County Business Workplace Safety Drill Actually Work

8/4/2023 (Permalink)

2 SERVPRO Green trucks inside a pristine white warehouse facility. Have a sound workplace emergency plan in place takes a lot of stress out when your company is dealing with an emergency!

If you are a manager or small business owner, you understand how important it is to keep your Dutchess County workplace free of hazards and your employees safe from harm during their work day. But have you considered what would happen in an emergency?

Because of how negatively a disaster can impact a small business, it is important to create a plan for what to do should an emergency occur. Creating a plan that accounts for multiple possibilities, gathering honest feedback and then using that to improve are all important components to creating with a fool-proof plan.

Here’s how business owners can move towards creating a solid workplace safety drill:

1.    Plan Your Drill

In order to create a properly executed drill, it is important to plan it thoroughly and well in advance to ensure it is as effective as possible. Be sure to plan for every scenario that could put your staff in harms’ way, such as fires, storm damage, power outages or any other emergency that could be specific to your industry. Prepare for specific points such as:

  • Determining a meeting point outside of and away from the building
  • Designating someone to perform a headcount and ensure that everyone in the building participates
  • How to perform any emergency shutdown procedures, like as turning off machinery before exiting the building

It’s also important to schedule drills at various times if you have personnel who work a variety of hours so everyone is able to experience them and provide critical feedback no matter the time of day.

2.    Determine Where to Improve

After performing safety drills, the most important thing to do is take note of where improvements could be made. Even things that seem small can make a big difference in an emergency scenario, such as more lighting or better signage. Solicit feedback from employees on how the drill could improve to get further ideas.

3.    Make Changes and Repeat

As you continue to make improvements and run drills, it is important to note how more recent drills compare with earlier ones. Tracking the improvements that are made and the results of each round is a great way to ensure that drills are as efficient as they can be, that way everyone will stay safe should a real emergency occur.

If you’ve had an emergency at your business, we’re here for you! As experts in commercial damage restoration, SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County can handle fire, water or storm damage from any disaster. Here to help 24/7 with an emergency response!

Your Beacon Business is in Good Hands with SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County

8/1/2022 (Permalink)

Large amounts of SERVPRO green equipment lined up at a commercial job Save yourself the hassle of finding a reliable, trustworthy and experienced company to handle property damage at your business, call SERVPRO.

Sometimes life throws curveballs your way and you’re dealing with flooding, sewage or fire and smoke damage at the Beacon business you’ve worked so hard at building. No matter the cause, whether a heavy storm or an act of nature, chances are you might need to make a quick decision on who can help you get your home back to normal.

When you’re choosing a restoration partner to get your business back up and running, there are a few important questions that you should most definitely ask.

Is It a Legit Company?

Important to remember: Not everyone who shows up after a disaster is there with your best interest in mind. Often times, there are scammers who do nothing other than flee with your money. It’s unfortunate and happens every time there’s damage reported. Companies will show up promising everything but never having the experience or the credibility to handle everything you, your staff and your company needs to get back to normal.

With SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County as your restoration company, you can rest assured that we are no newcomers to this situation. We have been locally owned and operated in this industry for over 30 years, and have worked hard to earn a reputation that shows how we put our customers first.

We are also trusted by national brands like the PGA Tour. The PGA Tour accepts nothing less than high-quality service to maintain their facilities and tour stops. We have national account status with State Farm Insurance and many other insurance companies, no matter who the carrier is.

Additionally, our company is Large-Loss Certified, meaning we have the staff, resources and equipment to handle any size disaster. Whether you have 500 or 500,000 sq. feet, rest assured, we’ve got you covered and are here to help with an emergency response.

Can They Be Reached?

When disaster strikes your business, time is not on your side. You need to be assured that you have someone that you can contact at any given day or time.

That’s why we are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We have a live staff ready to help no matter the time of day or holiday. We work hard so that you don’t have to and know that you need people that you can depend on.

Who Else Can Help?

SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County is locally owned and operated, which means we see our community members as family. We all live, work and raise our families right here in the Hudson Valley and we are ready to act the second disaster strikes.

But, unfortunately, there are times in which there is a surge of neighbors needing our help, and in that case, you can be confident that with a nationwide network of SERVPRO franchises to back us, we will still have you well taken care of.

When you call SERVPRO, you can rest easy knowing your business has the trusted leader in the restoration industry on the other end of the line. When disaster hits home, contact us to get our local experts and nationwide network on your side.

Business Safety Tips for Those Unpredictable Winters in Dutchess County

2/7/2022 (Permalink)

The ceiling of a commercial space covered with hanging plastic to hold back any water dripping out of the damaged area above. Winter safety is crucial for any building owner or facilities manager. Not doing your part may cause structural consequences or someone could be hurt.

Even though there are some great forecasters out there ( and, we can’t truly rely on the weather forecast being accurate in the winter months. We do know that living in the Hudson Valley has taught us to never underestimate the power of Mother Nature. Protecting your business or commercial property in the winter months is just as important as the winter prep you do for your home.

Here are some great tips to help prepare your business for this winter and the future and to help give you some piece of mind:

*Check the external areas of the building or common areas for downed tree limbs and branches.

*Inspect your property's walkways and parking lots for proper drainage to alleviate flood hazards, icing problems, trip/fall hazards, potholes and cracks and repairs needed to keep those areas free and clear (this is a good idea all year long). If needed, keep a bucket of rock salt located nearby.

*If you have a parking lot at your building, keep it free and clear of snow and ice, keep lots of salt handy and use it often. If you have a snow removal company, have them inspect and attend to any areas on a very regular basis.

*Check all handrails, stairwells and entry ways to address and correct potential slippery or hazardous areas. Install mats or non-slip surfaces and post caution signs where water could be present. Large orange cones can also be helpful in areas that need to be avoided for the time being.

*Inspect the roof for any problems that could lead to leaks and have the gutters cleaned bi-annually.

*Eliminate any drafts with caulking or weather stripping, as gaps around windows and doors run up heating bills.

*Keep vacant areas heated on a low setting, 55 degrees is ideal and will help prevent pipes from freezing. Burst pipes have costly repercussions and can cause significant structural issues and potential mold growth.

*Don’t forget about outdoor watering systems, these need to be winterized properly as well.

*Consider a facilities manager or property management company to help keep an eye on things for you, especially if you aren’t able to be at the property often or live out of state. They're a great way to have problems taken care of quickly in your absence.

The best way to reduce business interruption following a disaster is to plan for it NOW.

-Ask SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County about starting an Emergency Ready Profile for your business. It’s FREE and a great resource to have at your fingertips in case of a disaster.

If your business suffers any kind of fire, water, sewage or mold damage, we’re here to help 24/7. We’ll get you back to business quickly, "Like it never even happened," (845)831-3600.

Choosing the Right Commercial Damage Restoration Team After a Disaster at Your Beacon Business

1/7/2022 (Permalink)

3 SERVPRO vehicles and a tow-behind trailer in a parking lot in front of a commercial building. Knowing you have a local, trustworthy leader in commercial damage restoration can make all the difference after a disaster!

When it comes to your Dutchess County business, it’s essential to have any commercial restoration work done right. Whether you need help cleaning up after a fire, a sewage backup, a busted pipe or another disaster, business owners should look for a partner that can do the work from cleanup through restoration and do an excellent job at every phase.

If you’re dealing with a disaster and the time comes to choose a commercial restoration partner, it can feel overwhelming. After all, the issue you’re dealing with impacts your livelihood and success. That’s why it’s a good idea to put some thought into it beforehand.

Taking the First Steps

If you’re dealing with a disaster, this advice from the Insurance Information Institute can help you get the process started:

Reach out to your insurance company. As soon as you realize your business is damaged, this step can help you get the process rolling for expense coverage and reliable help.

Make sure your space and records are secure. Don’t leave your business and essential information vulnerable. If you need to back up documents to a private server, do so immediately. Board up any windows and/or entrances as needed. Make sure any winterizing is done if needed and let utility companies know as well.

Make a list of damaged assets. You’ll need this information for the insurance company. Every single thing in your business needs to be documented and accounted for.

Take pictures, if you can. Debris and destroyed items should be documented as well, but only if safe to remain inside to do so.

Choosing a Restoration Partner

You’ll also want to choose a company to work with that can meet your needs and provide you and your business with exemplary service. Here are some of the things to look for when you’re choosing a commercial restoration service:

Find a company with highly trained experts using the latest technology. You’ll feel better knowing that the people working on your businesses have the training and certifications needed to deal with disaster cleanup. You’ll also benefit if they have access to technology to make the cleaning process faster and easier.

Choose a partner with excellent customer service. Communication is vital when your business suffers a disaster. You’ll want to work with a team who answers the phone when you call—who is available when you need help.

Select a team that understands disaster cleanup. Many companies can do regular cleaning around your business, but it takes special training and skills to handle a fire, storm or another type of disaster. Be sure the company you choose is experienced in restoration work that goes beyond cleaning. Contents, documents, electronics and soft good restoration should always be part of their wheelhouse.

SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County has been helping Hudson Valley businesses recover from property damage for 30 years. From fires to floods to sewage and mold, there isn’t a situation we aren’t prepared for. We’re here to help 24/7 at (845)831-3600.

What Hopewell Junction Business Owners Should Know About Frozen Pipes

12/20/2021 (Permalink)

A cluster of frozen, white pvc pipes and steel pipes forcefully leaking water. Do what you can as a business owner to prevent frozen pipes that can create costly business interruptions!

Understanding the how, the why and the dangers of frozen pipes is a must for anyone who lives in a climate where there are cold winters, like the Hudson Valley, but that is especially true for business owners in our area as well. Frozen pipes can be a serious threat to commercial property, and while they can often be repaired and remedied, it’s much less of a hassle and inconvenience to prevent them from occurring in the first place.

If you are unsure how frozen pipes happen, how they cause damage and how they can be treated, we’ve got some info for you! We’ve compiled together everything business owners should know about frozen pipes so you can keep your commercial property safe and without interruption.

WHY Frozen Pipes Occur-

While it is a common misconception that frozen pipes are only an issue when the weather turns bitterly cold, the truth is, they can happen any time the temperature falls under 32 degrees Fahrenheit. If pipes are not insulated well enough and holding still water, they can quickly freeze and become blocked. If the pipes are in an area that isn’t insulated (like a garage or utility room), this scenario adds to the chances of a problem.

HOW Frozen Pipes Cause Damage

While a pipe freezing does not cause damage itself, it can lead to the pipe bursting, which can cause serious issues. When there is a blockage in the pipe (in this case, ice), the water behind the blockage has nowhere to go. Eventually, this force can overwhelm the material the pipe is made of and lead to a burst, which means there will be an outpouring of water from the weakened area. 

WHAT To Do If You Find A Frozen Pipe

If there is a frozen pipe in your commercial business, you may be able to remedy the situation. Making the area around the pipe warmer can help thaw the ice inside, preventing a burst from occurring. Whatever method you choose to utilize, please do so safely and follow all fire prevention protocols.

HOW To Prevent A Frozen Pipe

Fortunately, there are ways to prevent pipes from freezing in the first place. Insulating or wrapping pipes during the winter, keeping the heat on in your building, at least above 55 degrees, even when your business is not operational and turning on faucets to a trickle during any extreme cold spells can all significantly reduce the likelihood that a pipe will burst in your business. Please keep in mind, running a space heater in less-insulated rooms is NOT a long-term solution, it’s only a major fire hazard. Short-term use of a space heater, properly plugged into a wall outlet and not an extension cord, can help for a small period of time.

*If you experience water damage due to a burst pipe or any other cause in your commercial space, we can help. We’re local and ready to help 24/7. Contact us today so we can make the damage, "Like it never even happened."*

Making Your Dutchess County Commercial Property Cleanliness a Priority

10/29/2021 (Permalink)

a SERVPRO employee in white PPE prepping an area for cleaning Are you ready to have the cleanest business in town? Contact SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County for all your cleaning needs.

Homeowners in Dutchess County know they can count on SERVPRO to provide quick and reliable restoration services after an disaster or accident, but do business owners know that we are passionate about them as well?

We are! We provide the same restoration services for commercial spaces that we do to our homeowners, along with specialty services. One such service? Here at SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County, we know that the state of your facilities matters, and we work to make your facility beautiful.

Commercial Services for Businesses of Any Kind or Size

Business owners have to concern themselves with work, employees and everything in between! That’s why we work to make our focus your business’ cleanliness so that you can stay focused on the other priorities. We handle professional cleaning and sanitation for all businesses:

Retail facilities, like supermarkets, local boutiques or nationally known chain stores. No matter what kind of business you are in, cleanliness is a must! It sets the stage for what your customers are about to experience.

Educational facilities, like preschools, churches or athletic performance centers. Studies show that when things are regularly cleaned by teachers and students, it only clears half the bacteria from desks.

Health facilities, like hospitals, hospice facilities or doctors’ offices. In these particular facilities, cleanliness is not only a priority—it’s a mandate that must be met.

Foodservice facilities, like manufacturing centers, restaurants or distribution centers. Cleanliness and food go together like peas and carrots. Let us help you clean, while you focus on the food.

Property management, like apartment complexes, hotels or convention centers. Tenants, customers and employees will rave about the effort you put into providing a beautiful, top-notch facility for everyone to enjoy.

In reality, the workforce can lose up to $260 billion per year in lost productivity due to sick employees. Let SERVPRO come in and do one of the things we do best—clean and sanitize.

When you’re ready to have the cleanest business in town, we’re ready to help. Call SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County to get the pros working on the cleaning, so you can work on the work.

Making Sure Your Business Can Recover From a Disaster | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

10/29/2021 (Permalink)

A woman dressed in a suit holding papers and talking on a cell phone next to a window of a business You can never plan too much for business recovery after a disaster, call us today for help!

Investing the time and money to start and maintain a business in Dutchess County is no easy feat, which you likely know all too well if you are a business owner. Unfortunately, natural disasters do not have the same respect for this work and can quickly derail any plans you had in place.

It is impossible to know when a natural disaster will strike or how damaging it will be, which is
why having a plan in place is key for mitigating the impact it has on your situation.

While every disaster will be unique in nature, there are many ways that a business owner can make sure the business is equipped to handle whatever Mother Nature throws its way. By making sure all of your bases are covered, you can have the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have prepared as much as possible to keep your business afloat.

### Properly Preparing Your Business to Recover From a Disaster

**Create a business continuity plan.** A business continuity plan will be your roadmap to recovery after any kind of disaster, as they often include contingencies for both natural occurrences and cyberattacks. The process of creating your business continuity plan will help you think through the likely threats your business could face in the future and how you will mitigate the damage any of these scenarios will cause. By having a plan in place, you will be much more prepared to pick up the pieces and work toward reopening if a disaster does occur.

**Understand who to get in touch with.** After a disaster, keeping in touch with key stakeholders is a must for proper recovery. Not only will you need to contact your insurance company and landlord (if you lease your commercial property), but you will also want to get in touch with key employees and vendors as well as your chosen commercial restoration company as soon as possible.

**Make sure your important data is secured.**

If you are still keeping important data in physical
storage, now is the time to figure out a better, safer solution for keeping up with documents.
Make sure you can store your business’ data securely, in a way that will not cause you to lose
important information should a natural disaster occur.

*If you need help preparing your business for a disaster, we are here for you. Contact us today for our second-to-none commercial restoration efforts and how SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County can help.*

Stocking Up Your Business’ Emergency Kit | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

8/2/2021 (Permalink)

A laid out display of emergency supplies for business owners Keep an emergency kit on hand in your home and your business! You never know when or where disaster might strike!

Having a well-stocked emergency kit for your family at home is important, but considering that most people spend an average of a third of their life at the office, having an emergency kit for your Dutchess County workplace is also extremely important. If you are a business owner, it is wise to prioritize creating and maintaining an emergency kit for your facilities that will keep you and your staff safe in case of a disaster.

Starting and maintaining an emergency is something that is not terribly expensive, averaging about $5 per employee to assemble—but it will become invaluable in case of a disaster. Being certain that you and your employees have everything you need in an emergency situation where you are trapped in the workplace for a period of time can keep people much calmer and more comfortable during a scenario where you and your staff are unable to leave.

-What to Keep in Your Office Emergency Kit

If you are planning to stock up your office emergency kit, your goal should be to make sure your office is equipped with all the necessities so that you and your staff can survive several days without electricity, food or water in the building. This includes considerations for nourishment, comfort and first-aid supplies in case of injuries.

Some helpful things to include are:

  • An emergency radio so you can get important updates without electricity or cell service
  • A first-aid kit with all of the essentials for cuts, sprains and pains
  • Enough factory-sealed drinking water for each person in the workplace
  • Shelf-stable foods such as canned goods or granola bars
  • Flashlights, headlamps, lanterns and extra batteries that correspond to each
  • Rechargeable phone chargers

-What to Do in a Workplace Emergency

If you find yourself faced with an emergency during the workday, not panicking is the most important first step.

Be sure to listen to all emergency updates so you know whether you and your staff should evacuate immediately or stay put until the threat has passed. Be sure you instruct everyone to do as emergency officials recommend, and be certain that everyone in the building is accounted for.

If you need help making sure your business is prepared for a disaster, you can count on us. Contact us at any time to learn more about our business preparedness services and how we can help in the event of a disaster.

Protecting Your Wappingers Business From Electrical Fires

8/2/2021 (Permalink)

3 power strips of different sizes, all completely overloaded with too many things plugged into them. Being smart about electrical fire safety in your business can make a big difference between a small problem to a full disaster!

Most Dutchess County business owners are likely familiar with the fire codes they have to adhere to in order to make sure their business is as safe as possible, but outside of fire codes, there are still necessary fire safety steps to take.

Fire safety if something you can handle as the owner, or with your employees, to make sure the space is as safe as possible for everyone. Especially if your building contains an office where many electronics are in use, educating everyone on electrical safety is a great fire prevention strategy.

-Electrical Fire Safety in the Workplace

As the business owner, doing your part for fire safety and educating your employees so they can do the same go hand in hand. Having your facilities regularly inspected by a licensed electrician is a good place to start, and keep an eye out for areas that could use the installation of additional outlets, so you are not relying too heavily on power strips or extension cords in their place.

It’s a smart idea to have your building, property or office inspected by a fire safety and/or code safety professional. Oftentimes, their knowledge, expertise and what-ifs can be of great value in things you never would’ve thought about.

Additionally, the majority of electrical fire safety tips involve cord management and the safe usage of electronic devices. Here are some tips you can share with your employees to make sure they are practicing electrical safety throughout their day-to-day tasks:

  • Avoid overloading outlets or power strips with several electronics at one
  • Place all power strips in areas that are well-ventilated, in order to disperse
  • Never tie knots in electrical
  • Cables should never be placed under carpets or rugs in the
  • Do not plug a power strip into another power
  • Make sure that grounded cords are not used with ungrounded
  • If a cord or cable is frayed, stop its use and replace it
  • Always unplug cords by the plug instead of tugging the
  • Avoid handling plugs and cables with wet
  • If you see smoke or smell burning, stop using electronics immediately until it is
  • Alert your manager to any outlets that have loose-fitting
  • Do not rely on extension cords as a long-term power
  • Know where the circuit panel, fuse box and electrical shut offs are in your building in the event of a problem.

If you sustain fire, smoke or water damage in the workplace, we are just a phone call away. Contact us at any hour to get a rapid response to your restoration needs. We’re here to help 24/7 and will make it "Like it never even happened."

Valuable Disaster Tips for Small Business Owners in Dutchess County

1/8/2021 (Permalink)

A yellow sign in front of blue buildings displaying the words "Disaster Ahead." As a business owner, having a disaster plan in place ahead of time can save you valuable time and stress.

Small businesses in Dutchess County are the most susceptible when it comes to disasters due the time it takes to reopen.

A disaster of any sort is always a frightening thing, whether it be natural, due to a pandemic or a fire or water damage, but if it is headed for or happens to your business in the Hudson Valley, it can be even more alarming. When  a disaster causes a business to need restoration before it can reopen, that creates a loss in revenue that can be critical.

Planning for natural disasters and how your business can recover from them can reduce the time it takes to get back up and running. Here are some of the most crucial tips that small business owners should know about preparing for a natural disaster.

  1. Check and Double-Check Your Insurance
    While business insurance policies are generally enough for day-to-day incidents that might happen, when it comes to a disaster, regular coverage may not suffice. Every insurance plan is different, therefore understanding your specific policy and the extra coverage options that are available to youwill help you be certain you are covered for anything that comes your way.
  2. Create Your Action Plan
    Being able to spring into action as soon as a disaster becomes imminent is key. Weather patterns and other emergencies can happen in an instant, and official orders to evacuate often come on extremely short notice. Plan both for an evacuation scenario and one where you and your staff must remain at your business as well as one where a speedy and safe exit is in need.
  3. Rehearse Drills and Prepare Staff
    As you make your emergency action plan, getting your staff involved is important so that everyone is on the same page. Having their feedback on the plan can be vital as employees and staff can offer valuable insight. Have them involved in the official plan and construct disaster drills so they can practice what to do in a real-life scenario. Not only will this help keep everyone fully prepared at all times, but it will also lessen your business’ liability in the event of an emergency.
  4. Choose a Restoration Company to Work With
    One of the most critical parts of the process is choosing the restoration company you would like to work with following a disaster as this will be the biggest factor in how quickly you can reopen.Making sure you choose a company with experience, a quick response time and advanced training specific to commercial incidents is important. Doing this in advance will ensure all your needs are met, your questions can get answered and you are able to choose without the external pressure of needing to rush.

If you need to pick a commercial restoration company to partner with, call us today! We can tell you all about what sets our process apart. In the event of an emergency, our experienced teams are available 24/7 to help make it "Like it never even happened."

How Lightning Can Cause Significant Storm Damage to Beacon Businesses | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

12/22/2020 (Permalink)

A photo of several white lightning strikes hitting homes and businesses against a dark blue sky. Businesses can suffer serious damages if stuck by lightning, be knowledgeable and prepared!

Severe thunderstorms can be dangerous for a multitude of reasons, but one of the most dangerous considerations of all is lightning damage. Extremely hot and incredibly quick, a lightning strike can cause significant damage in an instant to anything it lands on—which could very well be a business or a home.

Lightning occurs when there is a spark of electricity, which can be between two clouds, in the air or between the clouds in the ground. The significant heat of lightning is also what causes thunder, so every thunderstorm contains the potential for lightning to strike as well.

Lightning can also travel for up to 25 miles away from the sound of thunder, making it a phenomenon that impacts quite a broad area. Below, we will look at how lightning can damage your business so you know what to be aware of the next time severe weather comes through.

How Lightning Damages Businesses

Through Starting a Fire:

The risk of starting a fire is the biggest danger that a lightning strike poses. Lightning can reach up to 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, giving it the potential to immediately cause a fire if it strikes flammable building materials or nearby trees and possibly attached or adjoining buildings or living spaces. Lightning can also burn up wires as it travels through the structure, creating the potential for an electrical fire within the walls, either immediately or at a later date. If your business has been struck by lightning, it is wise to have professional commercial electrician check for damage within the walls.

Through Power Surges:

As lightning travels through the wiring, it can overload the circuits and cause energy to be shot to anything that is plugged into a wall outlet—this is called a power surge. This can ruin electronics including computers, security systems, fire alarms, elevator functions, lighting and health/safety systems and even send sparks flying, posing another type of fire hazard altogether.

Through Shock Wave Damage:

The same force that causes thunder to sound in the clouds can occur on the ground, where it is called a shock wave. This powerful force can lead to shattered glass, foundational cracks and explosions of brick or cinder blocks if lightning strikes the building or even nearby.

If your business has been damaged by severe weather, SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County has the experience and equipment to handle any size commercial damage. Call us at any hour for help with severe weather restoration at your business.

Steps to Think Through Regarding Disaster Recovery for Businesses | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

10/28/2020 (Permalink)

insurance policies binders and pen sitting on black table in large conference room Since 1992, SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County has been your go-to in case a disaster occurs.

Planning ahead is vital for any Dutchess County business, which is something that you are well aware of—but have you considered the ways that a disaster can impact your plans? Disasters are devastating for businesses, but for those who plan ahead, it can be much easier to recover from them.

Making sure your safety considerations are in place beforehand is so important, but once you do that, you can begin working through your recovery process. Knowing how to contact your business insurance broker or company to file a claim, keeping in touch with customers and learning what your financial options are can go a long way in helping you reopen your doors more quickly.

Considering Disaster Recovery at Your Business

See what your insurance has to say. The types of coverage you get from your insurance provider can vary based on your policy, so it is important to contact them quickly after a disaster to determine what damages you will be able to file. Once you do this, reach out to your local restoration provider, too—they can spring into action quickly to prevent further damages.

Update your customers on your operations. Depending on the disaster your business is impacted by, you may have to make changes to your operating structure while restoration is occurring. If this is the case, updating your staff, customers and clients is key to getting their support, either in the interim or when you reopen. Whether you are doing gift cards, takeout or limited hours, social media makes it easy to keep your customers in the loop.

See what financial assistance you qualify for. Losing revenue is often the most catastrophic impact of a disaster for businesses, but the Small Business Administration has loan programs that can help. These funds can help cover lost revenue, repair costs and other expenses business owners are likely to occur, so it is wise to see what you qualify for so you can take advantage of them. They are often offered with extremely low interest rates and flexible repayment solutions to make it easier for businesses to use them.

If your business has been damaged due to any kind of disaster, we’re here to help. Contact us 24/7, we'll get you back on your feet quickly with our commercial restoration services.

What You Should Do If Your Dutchess County Business Has Been Vandalized.

10/24/2020 (Permalink)

Shattered glass on a set of doors to a commercial property. Call SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County in the event your business has been vandalized.

Any type of vandalism to your business can be devastating, emotional and overwhelming. Being a local business ourselves, we understand the urgency to get everything cleaned up and back to normal as quickly as possible.

Effects of Vandalism

Vandalism can impact your business in a myriad of ways. Firstly, and depending on the situation, it can cause physical damage your property. Damaged or defaced property requires time, effort, and money to repair between health and safety information, police reports, insurance adjusters and other procedures.

Secondly, vandalism may cause your business to lose income if your property needs to be closed for any amount of time.

Thirdly- graffiti, trash, and other types of defacement can have a negative effect on your company's image. Such damage can deter potential customers from entering your premises. Fourthly, vandalism can lower the value of your property. Property that has been damaged or defaced may be unattractive to potential buyers or tenants.

Finally, some types of vandalism, such as broken windows, can cause bodily injury to employees or visitors. 

Don't let your commercial property stay boarded up.

After safety has been restored, alarms have been deactivated, police reports have been filed, call your insurance company to file a claim if damages have occurred. While every commercial policy is different, it might be a covered loss.

Call SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County at 845-831-3600 immediately after and follow these DOs and DON'Ts when your commercial property has been vandalized:


-Hose or wash off egg damage from building exterior as soon as possible.

-Vacuum glass particles from carpets and upholstery.

-Save containers which reveal the ingredients of spilled inks, cosmetics and paints.


-Attempt to remove ink, paint or cosmetic stains.

-Touch or go near any blood or fluid.

-Operate damaged lamps or appliances.

-Discard furniture wood chips, broken pieces from porcelain, furniture or art objects.

Once SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County has arrived at your location, we'll take it from there and get your facility and the people who depend on it back in operation quickly. Our professionals can board up windows and doors, clean up glass hazards, any soot or smoke damage and are certified in biohazard remediation and structural restoration. We will mitigate the damage to the structure and contents and provide effective cleanup and restoration services and work either with your insurance company or directly with you. 

SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County is always ready to help get you back on your feet effectively and efficiently. Put our information into your workplace emergency and safety plan, were here to help 24/7 at (845)831-3600.

Ways to Make Your Dutchess County Business More Resilient to Water Damage

10/22/2020 (Permalink)

A photo of a white computer keyboard submerged in water. Keep your business resilient to help protect your investment!

While water damage is something that no business owner expects, it is something that can
happen to anyone at any time. Water damage can be as simple as leaky plumbing or as complicated as a full-on flood, and also can occur due to many scenarios in between (storms, fire damage, toilet overflows, etc).

Making sure that your business is as resilient as possible to water damage is a great way to
protect your investment and be sure you are prepared.

Tips for Lessening the Impact of Water Damage on Your Business

1. Purchase Flood Insurance
Unfortunately, many business owners discover far too late that flood insurance is not included in
their commercial policy—and depending on the extent of damages, this can be devastating. The
National Flood Insurance Program set up through FEMA provides coverage to businesses to
help them recover, and even if you are not in a known flood plain, it might be worth considering
the addition of this to your policy just in case.

2. Back Up All of Your Files
Whether your business is still using paper files or has migrated to a more digital solution, it is
important that you have everything essential saved in case water damage were to occur.
Whether it is a burst pipe or a sudden flood that causes damage, it can be impossible to recover
documents once they become fully submerged in water. Determine the best process for your
business to back up its data and be sure to keep up with this regularly to make sure you have
everything you need.

3. Ensure You Have a Restoration Plan
When it comes to water damage, one of the best things you can do is ensure that you are able
to start on the restoration process quickly in order to prevent mold growth and other secondary damages from occurring. Be sure you have done your research regarding commercial
restoration providers in your area so that you are able to call them as soon as damage is done
to your business and get the restoration process started right away.

If you are in need of any kind of commercial restoration for water damage, we are here to help. Our professionals are experienced and certified in water damage mitigation and ready- 24/7.

Contact us today.

Mitigating the Risk of a Fire at Your Beacon and Fishkill Businesses

10/21/2020 (Permalink)

An empty office desk, computer, equipment and files on fire Business planning for the unexpected, including fire risks and safety should always be included in any emergency procedures.

If 2020 has taught business owners anything, it's to be prepared for everything. It's a sure bet for business owners to take what measures they can to mitigate the risks to their business— especially where emergency preparations are concerned. Emergencies such as fires can cause extensive damage to your property and building, leading to an interruption in operations, set backs and can even cause permanent closures in some situations.

Fortunately, there is plenty that business owners can do to lessen the fire risks that their business faces. This is a great way to protect the investment you have made—both by setting yourself and your staff up for safety, but also by helping you mitigate the damage and reopen more quickly after the situation.

Lessening the Fire Risks Your Business Has

Follow code guidelines and inspection schedules. Knowing what fire safety codes apply to your business according to The National Fire Protection Association is a great place to start with your preparedness efforts. Knowing when you should be having regular equipment inspections, what precautions to take with equipment and other key fire safety elements can go a long way in strengthening your efforts.

Identify your specific risks. Different business types carry different fire risks based on many factors, including equipment, location, and any chemicals or flammable materials you must have on-site. Knowing situations like this where you might be exceptionally vulnerable is essential to protecting your business as thoroughly as possible.

Create (and practice) a fire evacuation plan. Helping staff prepare for a fire is another must as a leader at your business. Host regular fire drills to ensure staff are prepared to handle a real-world fire scenario—practice evacuation and meeting in a designated spot, then have a debrief afterward to answer any questions or understand concerns. Every area of the office should have two exits to use in case of a local fire, as well.

Have regular fire safety seminars with staff. Gathering employees for fire safety tip demonstrations will help keep everyone on the same page for fire efforts. Making sure everyone is aware of the preparedness efforts you are making will both keep them informed and conscious of their own fire safety habits.

If your business has experienced a fire, we’re here 247 to respond and begin restoration. Call us today to learn how we can help you.

Workplace Fire Preparedness for Your Dutchess County Business

10/18/2020 (Permalink)

An image of the interior of a business office in the background with a red fire alarm on the wall. A strong and understandable fire evacuation plan for your staff at your commercial property is crucial for the safety of everyone.

There are many things that business owners have to be cognizant of as they plan for the future, but have you considered how an emergency could derail your plans? Experiencing a workplace fire is something that can be absolutely devastating, and they are often the most difficult to deal with for those who did not have a plan in place.

To start your fire preparedness plans, we recommend starting with fire evacuation drills. Equipping your staff with the knowledge they need to safely escape the building will keep everyone safer and keep panic at bay if a real fire starts. Involve all staff members and ask for their feedback after a test run, you might need to make some adjustments based on what works best for them or processes/places you didn't think of initially.

Fire Evacuation Drills for the Workplace

Consult with your local fire officials. There is quite a bit of information online regarding workplace fire safety, but you should also contact your local officials for personalized recommendations. They can often come visit your building and give you advice on how to structure your evacuation routes to best serve you and your employees in the event of a fire.

Communicate and mark fire evacuation routes. Once it has been decided what fire exits to use, mark the routes clearly so they are visible for everyone in the building and brief staff on the future drill. Preparing everyone in advance for the drill can reduce panic and help everyone move to safety more efficiently.

Have fire drills frequently. Though it is common to view fire drills as an interruption to productivity, enforcing safety in the workplace is the most important thing. While your individual needs may vary, many businesses find that hosting a drill every quarter is sufficient enough to keep the protocols fresh in everyone’s minds without becoming too tedious.

Run different fire scenarios. There are many variances in how fires start and how they spread, so adding variances to your fire drills is highly recommended. Different exits may become blocked in a real scenario, so do the same during your drills so staff can get used to making decisions quickly in a high-stress scenario.

If your business has experienced fire damage, you can count on us. We specialize in commercial property restoration, no matter the type of business and will be here for you at any hour—contact us today.

Does Your Beacon Business Have a Proper Evacuation Procedure? | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

10/17/2020 (Permalink)

A photo of the ceiling of an office with a red Emergency Exit sign hanging from it Cover all of your bases with an evacuation plan involving all staff members, the more the better!

For business owners with staff who work on location, emergency planning is about more than
just protecting your building and your belongings—it is vital that you keep your staff safe in the
event that an emergency breaks out, as well.

Though OSHA requires that every business has an emergency action plan, having it is only the
first step. From there, it is important that you memorize it, communicate it to employees and
practice it often so you can be certain that everyone knows what to do if they must suddenly
evacuate and can do so quickly.

Below, we will look at some of the key considerations for drafting and implementing your
emergency action plan so you can be certain that you can keep panic at bay and keep your staff
safe in a disaster scenario.

Creating an Emergency Evacuation Plan for Your Business: Consider the Possible Scenarios

The most common scenario that you should practice evacuation for is a sudden fire, but it is
important to think through all the possibilities that might leave you needing to guide everyone to a swift exit. This will help drive all of your future decisions, so be sure to seriously consider all the possibilities.

Plan out Evacuation Routes

Your evacuation routes should cover every area of your building to ensure that no matter where
anyone is when an emergency strikes, they can get out quickly. Every area should have two
exits in case one becomes blocked, and it is wise to keep pathways free of clutter or
obstructions so there are no obstacles to a quick escape.

Rehearse Your Evacuation

Including all employees in this process is vital, as it is a must that they know what to do during an
emergency as well. Have regular evacuation drills that involve different scenarios and evacuation routes so that everyone is as prepared as possible. Once the drill is over, bring the group together and review the process, giving everyone the chance to ask questions or bring up difficulties that arose during the drill.

If your business is damaged in a fire, storm or another type of emergency, you can count on us
to help. Contact us at any hour to report your damage and get a quick response from our
expert team of commercial restoration technicians. We're always here to help.

Flood Prep for Poughkeepsie Town & City Businesses

10/6/2020 (Permalink)

A photo of high rises, freeways and sidewalks flooded at night in a metro city Make sure your Poughkeepsie business is ready for any kind of emergency or disaster!

For those who own businesses in Dutchess County, practicing flood preparedness is a good investment of time. Though many underestimate their risk, it has been reported that all but 10% of natural disasters involve floods. Therefore, even those who do not think they would normally be at risk are wise to prepare.

Safety is the most important part of preparing for a flood, but it can also be helpful for your business continuity, too. By being prepared and preserving the right documents, you can work toward reopening much more quickly.

How Flood Preparedness Works for Businesses

Making sure your business is prepared might feel like a lot of pressure, which is why we’ve pooled some helpful tips and resources for you to access:

  • Locate your business utilizing FEMA’s Flood Map tool, which will show you your average risk and historical flooding information.
  • Take note of the list below to determine what documents would be helpful to preserve.
  • Communicate the guidelines of your official Emergency Action Planwith employees so they are educated and prepared.
  • Schedule emergency evacuation drills regularly and post maps of evacuation routes near exits.
  • Discuss your insurance coverage with your agent—many business policies require flood insurance to be an add-on.
  • Keep your emergency kit in the office fully stocked and up to date.
  • Elevate computers if possible before evacuation.

Preserving Helpful Documents

Keeping the right documents secured in an offsite location will ensure you have all the paperwork you need once the time to reopen comes. Here are some wise ones to copy:

  • An outline of every task that must occur for reopening to happen
  • Phone numbers of any third parties you should check in with—staff, vendors, etc.
  • Your insurance agent’s phone number, a copy of your policy (and flood policy, if you have it)
  • The guides to recover the backed-up computer files
  • Information about any outstanding loans, leasing agreements and other bank records.

SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County also offers Document Restoration in the event of damaged paperwork, records, documents, etc. Our restoration procedures adhere to all HIPAA and legal statutes so you can rest assured, your business is safe with us.

If your business has experienced water damage, a flood, fire or sewage issue, we are always here to help. Call us no matter the day or time, to get our certified team of professionals to your business quickly so you can get back on track,  24/7 at (845)831-3600.

Does Your Beacon Business Have Emergency Procedures Put in Place for Severe Weather?

10/5/2020 (Permalink)

An image of the words "Emergency Plan" lit up in white, on a purple and pink background surrounded by business related emojis Unpredictable weather in the Hudson Valley makes it crucial to have an Emergency Plan in place for your Beacon business!

Severe weather is an unpredictable force that can truly happen anytime and anywhere. While this presents plenty of safety concerns, it also presents concerns for businesses as well. Making sure that your business is prepared for anything—especially a severe weather event—is key to overcoming any obstacles and resuming operations quickly after a storm. 

Creating an emergency plan is so important for businesses, both to keep everyone who works there safe and to ensure you do not face irreversible losses due to a storm or other weather event. Below, we will look at some ways that businesses can keep themselves safer in the face of severe weather.

Steps to Create a Severe Weather Plan for Your Business

  1. Understand Your Risks

To better plan for any severe weather event, understanding the risks your business faces is so important. You can use data from the NOAA to be better informed about the probability of severe weather so you can get an idea of what you are planning for. It is also important to note that for events such as floods, they are happening more frequently and in areas that were not previously impacted, so just because there has not been a historical risk does not mean it can be discounted as impossible.

  1. Plan for the Moment

If a severe weather event is going to occur, it will often occur with very short notice, so it is important to have a plan in place for the moment you find out about it. Account for various scenarios, making sure you have a plan for yourself and employees both for if you are instructed to evacuate and if you must stay put at your business.

  1. Plan for the Aftermath

After a severe weather event, recovering quickly is so important for business owners. It is wise to have a plan for how you will go about this recovery, including what commercial restoration company you will work with, so you can immediately begin the process of cleaning up and getting back to business.

If your business is damaged by severe weather, you can depend on us. Contact us at any hour so we can get started on recovery at your weather damaged business!

Does Your Wappingers Office Have a Sound Emergency Procedure? | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

10/1/2020 (Permalink)

A photo of the exterior of a supermarket engulfed in flames while firefighters try to battle it. It's vital to have an emergency plan in place for your business before disaster strikes!

There are a lot of things to consider as you work to ensure your office is as prepared as possible, but once you have an overall idea of what your emergency procedure will be, you may want to revisit it in the future to make sure your plan is airtight. 

Small things that are overlooked in the planning stages are even more likely to be overlooked when an actual disaster ensues, which is why conducting a thorough risk assessment and formulating a plan is so important.

Things Often Forgotten in Office Emergency Planning-

1. The Buddy System

While movies might have us think that it is an “every person for themselves” scenario when things get chaotic, it is important to remind your staff to look out for one another in the event of an emergency. If you have staff that may need special assistance to get out of the building quickly and safely, be sure you pair them up with someone who works nearby to ensure they are assisted properly and swiftly in case of evacuation.

2. A Leader for Each Area

While you will hopefully be nearby to assist your staff during emergency proceedings, it is important to make sure they can handle the situation even if you are in a different part of the building or away. Assign a manager or other high-ranking employee to be the safety manager of a specific area to make sure that people are directed to the right emergency exit and that everyone is making a swift and orderly march to safety.

3. Keep Track of Your Visitors

If you have the type of facility that has guests often, whether that be friends, families or clients, it is important to keep a log of this in case a headcount must be done. Have a place for guests to sign in when they arrive and sign out when they exit, and assign one of your safety managers to pull this list in an emergency to make sure there are no guests currently in the building. This is extremely important, as they will not be as familiar with your emergency exits or evacuation procedures. 

Making sure your business is prepared is so important. If you do experience damage to your commercial space due to a disaster, you can count on us. Contact us 24 hours a day so we can help!

How Do I Handle Water Damage in my Dutchess County Building?

9/14/2020 (Permalink)

SERVPRO dehumidifiers and air movers lined up against a wall in a commercial building after water damage remediation No matter the type of business you have, in the event of water damage, SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County can get you back to business quickly!

No matter the type of property, water damage can put a halt on your day to day business and affect operations in a challenging and sometimes irreversible way.

The bottom line: the quicker you address the damage and get it remediated, the quicker you can go right back to business.

Flooding and water damage events at commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable, flexible and quick response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large-scale or multi-level event, our professionals work quickly to assess each unique situation, isolate the damaged area and begin the remediation process quickly. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while our teams restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our local professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area either in conjunction with your insurance company or within your budget. Whether it’s a public building, educational facility, warehouse or manufacturing, unique spaces are our specialty and have been for over 25 years. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity, so when an emergency arises in your business, give us a call asap and we’ll be there fast with the help, expertise, knowledge and equipment you need.

Why Choose SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County for Your Business?

SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained and certified in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property the right way, the first time.

Water damage at your commercial property? Leave it to the experts, we’re available 24/7. Contact our team at SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County at 845-831-3600, we’re always here to help.

Promoting Electrical Safety Around the Office | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

8/6/2020 (Permalink)

A wall outlet and power strip overloaded with far too many items plugged in Overloading outlets is a huge fire risk in any business, don't take the chance!

Most Wappingers Falls, Fishkill, Beacon and Poughkeepsie business owners are likely familiar with the fire codes they have to adhere to in order to make sure their business is as safe as possible, but outside of fire codes, there are still necessary fire safety steps to take.

Fire safety if something you can work on yourself and with your employees to make sure the space is as safe as possible for everyone present. Especially if your building contains an office where many electronics are in use, educating everyone on electrical safety is a great fire prevention strategy.

Electrical Fire Safety in the Workplace

As a business owner, doing your part for fire safety and educating your employees so they can do the same go hand in hand. Having your facilities regularly inspected by a licensed electrician is a good place to start, and keep an eye out for areas that could use the installation of additional outlets so you are not relying too heavily on power strips or extension cords in their place. Additionally, the majority of electrical fire safety tips involve cord management and the safe usage of electronic devices.

Here are some tips you can share with your employees to make sure they are practicing electrical safety throughout their day-to-day tasks:

- Avoid overloading outlets or power strips with several electronics at one time.

- Place all power strips in areas that are well-ventilated, in order to disperse heat.

- Never tie knots in electrical cords.

- Cables should never be placed under carpets or rugs in the workplace.

- Do not plug a power strip into another power strip.

- Make sure that grounded cords are not used with un-grounded outlets.

- If a cord or cable is frayed, halt its use and replace it immediately.

- Always unplug cords by the plug instead of tugging the cable.

- Avoid handling plugs and cables with wet hands.

- If you see smoke or smell burning, stop using electronics immediately until it is identified.

- Alert your manager to any outlets that have loose-fitting plugs.

- Do not rely on extension cords as a long-term power solution.

If you sustain fire damage in the workplace, we are just a phone call away. Contact us at any hour to receive a rapid response to your restoration needs.

Why Every Business Should Have a Disaster Plan in Place | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

8/4/2020 (Permalink)

An image of a book labeled "Business Continuity Plan" Disaster can strike at anytime, make sure you have a plan in place for your business!

Preparing your Dutchess County business for a disaster can make all the difference in how quickly you are able to reopen after an emergency occurs—or if you are able to reopen at all.

Putting a plan in place that covers your emergency protocols from beginning to end will allow you to better prepare for any situation and make sure your business can survive even the worst of situations.

While every disaster scenario will be unique, with a general plan in place you can better prepare for anything that occurs.

Considerations When Setting Up an Emergency Plan for Your Business

-Focus on prevention first. While some things like natural disasters will be out of your control, there are emergency scenarios you can prevent to some extent, including fires and some types of water damage issues. Be sure your business is up to code, that you are doing regular evacuation drills and that you have frequent seminars with your employees about workplace fire safety procedures.

-Make sure your insurance has you covered. Commercial insurance will often fall short in situations of emergency, which is why many business owners might want to consider purchasing coverage for specific scenarios such as flooding or an interruption in income.

-Be sure your records are safe. If your records are destroyed in a disaster, your recovery might become much more difficult than it needs to be. Protect your records by creating digital backups or storing physical papers in a secondary location so that way you do not lose everything if your business is damaged.

-Keep your contact information up to date and secure. Being able to contact your employees, vendors, insurance company, lessor and other parties vital to your daily operations after a disaster is essential. Be certain you have everyone’s contact info, that it is accurate and that it is stored in a safe place. This way you can get in touch with everyone easily in case of a disaster scenario to create a smart reopening plan.

If your business has been impacted by a disaster or emergency, you can count on us to help. Our team of restoration experts has extensive experience with commercial properties, and we can help you at any hour.

Contact us today for a guaranteed quick response, we're always here to help.

Disaster Tips for Small Business Owners | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

1/10/2020 (Permalink)

An image of several pieces of paper with phrases on it emphasizing preparedness Small businesses are the most vulnerable when it comes to disasters and the downtime it takes in order to reopen.

A natural disaster is always a frightening thing, but if it is headed for your business in Fishkill, it can be even more alarming. Small businesses are especially vulnerable to natural disasters due to the downtime they can cause—when a disaster causes a business to need restoration before it can reopen, that creates a loss in revenue that can be critical.

Fortunately, planning ahead for natural disasters and how your business can recover from them can reduce the time it takes to get back up and running. For that reason, we have compiled some of the most crucial tips that small business owners should know about preparing for a natural disaster.

1. Double-Check Your Insurance
While commercial insurance policies are generally enough for day-to-day incidents that might occur, when it comes to a disaster, regular coverage may not suffice. Because every insurance plan is different, understanding your specific policy and the extra coverage options that are available to you will help you be certain you are covered for anything that comes your way.

2. Create Your Action Plan
Being able to spring into action as soon as a disaster becomes imminent is key. Weather patterns and other emergencies can happen in an instant, and official orders to evacuate often come on extremely short notice. Plan both for an evacuation scenario and one where you and your staff must remain at your business until it is declared safe so you can be doubly prepared.

3. Rehearse Drills and Prepare Staff
As you make your emergency action plan, getting your staff involved is a wise choice so that everyone is on the same page. Clue them in to the official plan and construct disaster drills so they can practice what to do in a real-life scenario. Not only will this keep everyone fully prepared at all times, but it will also lessen your business’ liability in the event of an emergency.

4. Choose a Restoration Company to Work With
One of the most critical parts of the process, choosing the restoration company you would like to work with following a disaster will be the biggest factor in how quickly you can reopen. Making sure you choose a company with a quick response time and advanced training specific to commercial incidents is important, and doing this in advance will ensure all your questions can get answered and you are able to choose without the external pressure of needing to rush.

If you need to pick a commercial restoration company that’s right for you, call us today! We can tell you all about what sets our process apart.

The Benefits of Preparing Your Business for a Disaster | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

12/17/2019 (Permalink)

A female business owner writing a plan in a book Having a disaster plan in place for your business has huge benefits! Ask SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County how we can help!

Experiencing a natural disaster as a business owner in Dutchess County can be a major life event. There are so many questions about what to do and how to recover, with the main focus simply being to continue operations as quickly as possible.
To avoid being left stressed and uncertain after a disaster strikes, put a plan in place now for how you would handle a disaster that impacts your business. Planning ahead can reduce the damage a disaster causes, keep your staff safer and help you reopen quicker after the danger passes. Making disaster plans has big benefits for businesses. Here’s how:

Reduce the Damage a Disaster Causes to Your Business

Disasters can cause major damage to businesses even when business owners do everything
right, but a little bit of planning can reduce your losses exponentially. Making copies of essential
documents and keeping them in a secure, offsite location will ensure you do not lose any
important paperwork due to flooding, fires or other scenarios. Additionally, creating a
technology-focused disaster plan can help you protect any electronics in the workplace and
ensure you can recover all your digital files even if your main computer systems are impacted by
the disaster.

Increase the Safety of Your Workplace

Though some extremely small businesses are not required to have a written emergency plan, all
employers should communicate their plan to staff orally and consider creating a written one
even if they are not required to do so. Training employees on the procedures of a disaster, as
well as assigning people with roles and responsibilities to help you execute a safe emergency
evacuation, will increase the safety of your workplace and make sure that everyone in the
building feels prepared.

Decrease the Time It Takes to Reopen After a Disaster

Perhaps the most important reason to prepare for a workplace disaster is decreasing the time it
will take you to reopen. The Small Business Administration states that 25% of small businesses do not reopen following a disaster—if your business is your livelihood, you know just how devastating this can be. By doing what you can in advance to prevent damage and having a
plan in place for restoring your property and recovering following the disaster, your business can reopen much more quickly.

If you’re planning ahead to help protect your business from a disaster, contact us to learn more
about our commercial restoration processes and how we can help you recover quickly.

The Flood Preparedness of Businesses | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

10/29/2019 (Permalink)

A large staircase in a lobby of a commercial building surrounded by water from flooding Having a flood plan in place for your Dutchess County commercial building is a priceless investment of time!

For those who own businesses in Dutchess County or any county, practicing flood preparedness is a good investment of time. Though many underestimate their risk, it has been reported that all but 10% of natural disasters involve floods. Therefore, even those who do not think they would normally be at risk are wise to prepare.

Safety is the most important part of preparing for a flood, but it can also be helpful for your business continuity, too. By being prepared and preserving the right documents, you can work toward reopening much more quickly.

How Flood Preparedness Works for Businesses

Making sure your business is prepared might feel like a lot of pressure, which is why we’ve pooled some helpful tips and resources for you to access:

  • Locate your business utilizing FEMA’s Flood Map tool, which will show you your average risk and historical flooding information.
  • Take note of the list below to determine what documents would be helpful to preserve.
  • Communicate the guidelines of your official Emergency Action Plan with employees so they are educated and prepared.
  • Schedule emergency evacuation drills regularly and post maps of evacuation routes near exits.
  • Discuss your insurance coverage with your agent—many business policies require flood insurance to be an add-on.
  • Keep your emergency kit in the office fully stocked and up to date.
  • Elevate computers if possible before evacuation.

Preserving Helpful Documents

Keeping the right documents secured in an offsite location will ensure you have all the paperwork you need once the time to reopen comes. Here are some wise ones to copy:

  • An outline of every task that must occur for reopening to happen
  • Phone numbers of any third parties you should check in with—staff, vendors, etc.
  • Your insurance agent’s phone number, a copy of your policy (and flood policy, if you have it)
  • The guides to recover the backed up computer files
  • Information about any outstanding loans, leasing agreements and other bank records

SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County offers a FREE all-in-one resource to help organize and easily maintain all the important info for everyone to access at their fingertips. Call us today and ask about our Emergency Response Plan, we'll take care of it for you!

If your business has experienced a flood, we are always here to help. Call us 247 to get our team of professionals to your business quickly so you can get back on track.

Fire Prevention Tips for Dutchess County Commercial Buildings

10/24/2019 (Permalink)

A commercial office building with plumes of smoke coming up from the back. There are a number of ways as a building owner, that you can help prevent fires at your property!

The best fire prevention is to have a plan. As an owner of a building, there are numerous ways to prevent fires in your workplace. Raising awareness and educating the occupants will help keep the place up and running smoothly. Some involve your planning, some need employees or staff members to assist. Having fire prevention knowledge is key.

Check out these tips-

-Have accessible equipment: fire extinguishers, sprinklers, alarms, control panels should be easily accessible.

-Get rid of hazardous materials: Flammables and combustibles need to be disposed of properly.

-Regular Maintenance: Schedule all your fire protection equipment to be inspected and maintained yearly.

-Store safe: Chemicals and other flammables should be kept in a dry, secure room with ventilation.

-Keep It Clean: Clutter is fuel for a fire and can block escape routes. Keep the building neat and tidy.

-Have an Emergency Plan: Make sure all occupants practice fire drills, know the exit routes, can operate a fire extinguisher and know who to call in an emergency.

-Invest in a Security System: Peace of mind, safety of the employees and to help protect against arson are just some of the reasons to have a system installed.

-Smoking Areas should be far away from the building: Provide plenty of ashtrays placed away from the building, have them emptied often.

-Stick with OSHA and NFPA Guidelines for rules and requirements to keep your building up to code for safety.

Accidents happen, disasters strike, things are out of our control. As a Dutchess County building owner, you can rely on SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County to get everything back up and running quickly should you ever experience fire and water damage. We’re here to help 24/7 and will make it Like it never even happened.

What to do if your Western Dutchess County Business is Vandalized

10/22/2019 (Permalink)

A storefront with glass broken out and entrance boarded up Don't let you business stay boarded up, call the experts at SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County to get you back on your feet quickly!

If you’ve suffered any kind of vandalism or damage to your business, there are a few crucial steps to take so your property doesn’t stay boarded up for good.

Once the police have left, safety is no longer a concern and an insurance claim has gotten started, call SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County at 845-831-3600 and check out these helpful tips: 


-Hose or wash off egg damage or any organic substance from building exterior as soon as possible.

-Vacuum glass particles from carpets and upholstery. Check all the nooks and crannies, broken glass can travel further than you think.

-Save containers which reveal the ingredients of spilled inks, cosmetics and paints. This will help in the restoration process to know what the best protocols are for removal and cleanup.


-SAFETY FIRST! Do not operate damaged lamps or appliances, the damages could cause shock or other injuries.

-Attempt to remove ink, paint or cosmetic stains. It could do more harm than good, let the experts take care of the rough stuff.

-Discard furniture wood chips, broken pieces from porcelain, furniture or art objects. Have another person with you as a second set of eyes, sometimes it’s hard to notice damages.

Once the professionals from SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County have arrived, we'll take it from there and get your business and the people who rely on it back in operation quickly. We will mitigate the damage to the structure and contents and provide effective and efficient cleanup and restoration services.

We’ve been your local restoration and remediation go-to since 1992. We’re here to help 24/7 for emergencies and will make it Like it never even happened.

We are the experts in Dutchess County Commercial Property Water Damage Restoration

10/21/2019 (Permalink)

a business office with chairs and desks surrounded by an inch of water on the floor. If your business ever suffers a disaster, call the experts at SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County to take care of the cleanup and restoration quickly!

There is never a convenient time for fire, water or storm damage to strike your business. These types of events at commercial properties are known to be complex and require the expertise and skills that the professionals of SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County are certified in.

Storms and inclement weather can be devastating to any business. Wind damage, heavy rain, and flooding can occur suddenly and cause substantial damage in a matter of minutes.

No matter if it's a large-scale event or a small water cleanup, we work quickly and efficiently to assess each property and its unique situation. In many cases, normal business can continue in a temporary area while we restore the facility. 

Our highly trained teams are mindful of and experienced with environmental, legal and budgetary concerns and will strive to remedy the damaged area within the constraints given. We have been the LOCAL experts in commercial remediation since 1992 and understand fully how vital it is to get your business back to normal quickly for productivity and revenue. Our professionals are trained and certified:

  • Water Damage Restoration Technician
  • Applied Microbial Remediation Specialist
  • Applied Structural Drying Technician
  • Odor Control Technician
  • Upholstery and Fabric Cleaning Technician

We specialize in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after any kind of fire, water or storm event, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge and specialized equipment to restore your property.

We’re here to help no matter when, 24/7 for emergencies, keep our info in your phone, 845-831-3600 and we’ll make it "Like it never even happened."

Important Winter-Ready Tips for your Dutchess County Commercial Property

10/17/2019 (Permalink)

A commercial building roof covered with ice and water Make sure your commercial property is winter ready before disaster strikes!

While we can’t rely on the weather forecast being accurate in the winter months, we do know that living in the Hudson Valley has taught us to never underestimate the power of Mother Nature. Protecting your business or commercial property in the winter months is just as important as the winter prep you do for your home.

Here are some great tips to help prepare your business for the upcoming winter and give you some piece of mind.

-Check the external areas or common areas for downed tree limbs and branches.

-Inspect your property's walkways and parking lots for proper drainage to alleviate flood hazards, icing problems, trip/fall hazards, potholes and cracks and repairs needed to keep those areas free and clear (this is a good idea all year long).

-If you have a parking lot at your building, keep it free and clear of snow and ice, keep salt handy and use it often.

-Check all handrails, stairwells and entry ways to address and correct potential slippery or hazardous areas. Install mats or non-slip surfaces and post caution signs where water could be present.

-Inspect the roof for any problems that could lead to leaks and have the gutters cleaned bi-annually.

-Eliminate any drafts with caulking or weather stripping, as gaps around windows and doors run up heating bills.

-Keep vacant areas heated on a low setting, 55 degrees is ideal and will help prevent pipes from freezing. Burst pipes can have costly repercussions.

-Don’t forget about outdoor watering systems, these need to be winterized properly as well.

-Consider a facilities manager or property management company to help keep an eye on things for you, especially if you aren’t able to be at the property often.

The best way to reduce business interruption following a disaster is to plan for it NOW.

-Ask SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County about starting an Emergency Ready Profile for your business. It’s FREE and a great resource to have at your fingertips in case of a disaster.

If your business suffers any kind of fire, water, sewage or mold damage, we’re here to help 24/7.  We’ll get you back to business quickly, "Like it never even happened." Keep our number in your phone for emergencies, (845)831-3600.

Commercial Cleaning, Restoration & Reconstruction Services are ALWAYS Just One Call Away to SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County

10/16/2019 (Permalink)

An inch of ice formed on a hardwood floor inside a commercial building No matter what type of services you're looking for at your commercial building, SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County can take of it for you!

Whether you’ve suffered a fire or water damage, discovered mold, had remodeling done, needing a full commercial kitchen cleaned, or even looking to have your ducts or carpets cleaned, there is nothing our professional teams can’t handle! No damage is too big or too small, from a store front or office space to a full warehouse or academic building, we’ve got your back and will get you back to business quickly and efficiently.

Mold remediation, sewage backup, graffiti or vandalism, water damage restoration, fire and soot remediations, odor removals, post construction clean-up, kitchen sanitizing and all phases of reconstruction are just some of the commercial services we can take care of.

Our commercial services are endless, from start to finish, we’ve got the trained and certified professionals, specialized equipment and as always, WE’RE LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED.

Let us take the worry and hassle out of your emergency and the stress out of doing it yourself, our estimates are FREE and we’re available 24/7 for emergencies, give us a call at 845-831-3600.

Commercial Cleaning, Restoration & Reconstruction Services are ALWAYS Just One Call Away to SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County

10/9/2019 (Permalink)

An inch of ice formed on a hardwood floor inside a commercial building No matter what type of services you're looking for at your commercial building, SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County can take of it for you!

Whether you’ve suffered a fire or water damage, discovered mold, had remodeling done, needing a full commercial kitchen cleaned, or even looking to have your ducts or carpets cleaned, there is nothing our professional teams can’t handle! No damage is too big or too small, from a store front or office space to a full warehouse or academic building, we’ve got your back and will get you back to business quickly and efficiently.

Mold remediation, sewage backup, graffiti or vandalism, water damage restoration, fire and soot remediations, odor removals, post construction clean-up, kitchen sanitizing and all phases of reconstruction are just some of the commercial services we can take care of.

Our commercial services are endless, from start to finish, we’ve got the trained and certified professionals, specialized equipment and as always, WE’RE LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED.

Let us take the worry and hassle out of your emergency and the stress out of doing it yourself, our estimates are FREE and we’re available 24/7 for emergencies, give us a call at 845-831-3600.

SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County is ALWAYS READY for your commercial property emergency!

10/8/2019 (Permalink)

A warehouse with restoration equipment packed up and ready to go SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County has the experience, the trained professionals and the specialty equipment to get you back to business quickly!

SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County is here to help in any residential or commercial property! We are locally owned and operated since 1992 and have extensive experience at restoring commercial properties to preloss condition in efficient manner. We understand how crucial it is to get your business back up and running as soon as possible, so we are available 24/7 at 845-831-3600 to help cleanup and restore water, fire & mold damages!

Our teams of professional restoration and remediation technicians are extensively trained and certified to handle the remediation of all damages plus reconstruction, no matter the type and no matter the time.

Being centrally-located, our offices and warehouse have the specialized equipment and resources to get to your location quickly to help minimize the damages and get you back in business.

We are Large Loss Response Team Certified

The SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team can provide help whether it’s a tornado, hurricane, blizzard or flood. The SERVPRO System has a network of strategically positioned storm teams on standby should a disaster strike near you. Available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, we are always prepared for the unpredictable.

Should your business or commercial property experience fire, water, sewage or storm damage, we’re here to help. Keep our number in your phone, (845)831-3600.

All-In-One Emergency Prep for your Western Dutchess County business

10/3/2019 (Permalink)

An image of an Ipad and a cell phone with the same app on them Call us today so we can get started on a comprehensive Emergency Plan for your business!

Is your business ready in case of an emergency?

As a business or commercial property owner, there are some KEY POINTS that you and your employees need to know and be able to access in case of an emergency:

-Have you put evacuation protocols in place and do other staff members know them?

-Do you know where the emergency shut-offs are for utilities like electric or gas?

-Do you have important phone numbers and contacts available at a moment’s notice?

SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County offers an Emergency Ready Profile (ERP) for at no cost you. We know how important it is to be ready for whatever happens! That's why we work with local businesses to develop an easy tool, customized to your business’s information, available as an app on your phone and in hard copy, with all vital information you and your staff keep right at your fingertips! 

What is it?

A 24/48 hour snapshot of everything you may need to know in case of an emergency. This includes:

  • Photos of utility shutoff locations (i.e. water, gas, alarms, etc.)
  • Emergency Personnel Contact Information
  • Emergency Protocols
  • Floor Plans (...don’t have one? We’ll create one for you!)

Why do it?

  • It’s FREE and It’s EASY, we’ll take care of it all for you!
  • Comprehensive document that has all the vital information needed in one spot
  • Easy to understand and read for all personnel
  • Access Available 24/7
  • Peace of mind knowing you have a plan in place and the safety of all will not be compromised.

We have completed over 600 ERPs for other local businesses in the Hudson Valley area. Let us help you be prepared, you never know when an emergency will happen. We’re here to help no matter when, and will get you back to business if disaster ever strikes!

Contact Corey or Amy at 845-831-3600 at the SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County office for more info! 

3 Steps to Making Your Workplace Safety Drill Work | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

9/19/2019 (Permalink)

An active fire inside an office building Make sure you have a practiced drill set for your workplace!

If you are a manager or a business owner in Dutchess County, you understand how important it is to keep your workplace free of hazards and your employees safe from harm during their day-to-day tasks. However, have you considered what would happen should an emergency occur in the workplace? 

Because of how negatively a disaster can impact a small business, it is important to create a plan for what to do should an emergency occur. Creating a plan that accounts for multiple possibilities, gathering feedback and then using that feedback to improve are all important components to coming up with a fool-proof plan. 

Here’s how business owners can work toward creating a workplace safety drill that works: 

  1. Plan Your Drill 

In order to create a properly executed drill, it is important to plan it thoroughly and well in advance to ensure it is as effective as possible. Be sure to plan for every scenario that could put your staff in harms’ way, such as fires, storm damage, power outages or any other emergency that could be specific to your industry. Prepare for specific points such as: 

  • Determining a meeting point outside of and away from the building 
  • Designating someone to perform a headcount and ensure that everyone in the building participates 
  • How to perform any emergency shutdown procedures such as turning off machinery before exiting the building 

It may also be wise to schedule drills at various times if you have personnel who work a variety of hours so everyone is able to experience them. 

  1. Determine Where to Improve 

After performing safety drills, the most important thing to do is take note of where improvements could be made. Even things that seem small can make a large difference in an emergency scenario, such as more lighting or better signage. Solicit feedback from employees on how the drill could improve to get further ideas. 

  1. Make Changes and Repeat 

As you continue to make improvements and run drills, it is important to note how more recent drills compare with earlier ones. Tracking the improvements that are made and the results of each round is a great way to ensure that drills are as efficient as they can be, that way everyone will stay safe should a real emergency occur. 

If you’ve had an emergency occur at your business, we’re here for you 24/7! As experts in commercial restoration, we can handle fire, water or storm damage from any disaster. Give us a call today to learn more. 

Your Guide to Picking a Restoration Company | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

8/28/2019 (Permalink)

SERVPRO's large-loss truck, generator and equipment trailer. If your business has suffered damage, SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County will get you back up and running effectively and efficiently!

Going through a natural disaster and sustaining property damage is devastating for anyone, but for business owners, they are put in an especially precarious situation as their livelihood is at risk. FEMA reports that over 40% of businesses do not reopen after a disaster.

Because of the high stakes associated with proper disaster repair, it is important for business owners to work with a restoration company they trust. These are some questions to ask to ensure you are picking the right one:

1. Can They Respond Quickly?

Damage can rapidly get out of hand if left untreated, so a company that can respond quickly is a must. Get information about their emergency response procedures and hours of operation to understand what to expect.

One way SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County is able to provide a faster response time is our emergency line, which is live and staffed 24 hours a day. This allows us to quickly respond when a disaster is called in so business owners can use their time on other natural disaster recovery tasks.

2. How Do They Train Their Technicians?

Thorough and consistent training is key to ensuring the technicians’ work is of a high caliber, so potential customers should always inquire about their education and certification standards. Knowing your business is in good hands will provide peace of mind and ensure the work is done properly.

The standards set forth by the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC) are the most comprehensive in the industry, that is what we base our technicians’ education off of. From their initial training to e-learning and certification opportunities, we ensure they are always learning in the field.

3. What Is Their Equipment Lineup Like?

Technology has revolutionized restoration equipment, so maintaining an up-to-date fleet of equipment is vital to performing a high caliber of work. Inquire about a company’s fleet of tools and equipment so you can be sure the best and most updated technology is being used on your restoration.

We choose our own equipment based on the IICRC guidelines, which guarantees that we are utilizing the industry standard. Whether removing water damage or scrubbing the air of soot particles, we can ensure we will do the best job for your business.

If you’re in need of commercial restoration, do not hesitate to make the call so you can get your business back faster. Our trained experts are here to help 24/7—contact us today.

It's vital to have an Emergency Plan for Your Business | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

8/9/2019 (Permalink)

Have a plan to get your business back up and running following a disaster.

Emergency preparedness for your Dutchess County business is one of the best things you can do. Having a plan in place will not only help to keep your staff safe and informed, but it will also help your business get back to normal and reopen quicker following a disaster.

An emergency plan should be thorough, easy to understand and include information to share with employees. It’s important to have all the materials you need at your fingertips in order to get your business reopened in the wake of a disaster. Here is an easy guide to making your business emergency plan:

  1. What are the Most Likely Threats?

The first thing to do to prepare your business for an emergency is to understand what types of damages you might be likely to face. If your business is in an area prone to flooding, or if you have a restaurant and are more likely to have a fire, these are factors you should take time to think on when making your plan and to be prepared for anything that could cause harm or loss.

  1. Create an Emergency Response Plan & Share it With Employees

The most beneficial aspect of a disaster plan is that every single employee should automatically know what to do when an emergency occurs. Create a clear step-by-step plan so employees are aware of where they should go for safety, where emergency access and shut-offs are for utilities, who they should check in with and what next steps are no matter the situation.

Tip: Schedule workplace emergency drills so employees can rehearse the actions they will take in the case of a real scenario.

  1. Determine How You Will Get Back to Business

Workplace emergencies can have a huge impact on a business, almost 40% can fail to reopen following a disaster. It is important to plan how you will get back to business following a disaster by creating a business recovery plan. This should cover topics such as staffing issues, data management, equipment failures, insurance specifications and what commercial restoration company to work with to get your business back up and running smoothly.

If your business has suffered any kind of damage or loss, we can help! We are fully certified in commercial restoration and can respond quickly when you call. Call SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County today to make us part of your emergency response plan!

Were here to help, 24/7! Dont wait if youve suffered any kind of damage at your business, well get you back to normal in no time!

Would Your Business Be Prepared in Case of Emergency? | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

5/9/2019 (Permalink)

You can never be too prepared when it comes to protecting your business in Dutchess County.

Of all the many things that must be taken care of when running a business in Poughkeepsie, Beacon, Hopewell Junction or Fishkill, one of the most important factors to think about is emergency preparedness.

While creating and developing an emergency preparedness plan cannot stop all disasters, it can still give your business a jump-start where safety is concerned and will, at least, ensure that your employees know what to do if a disaster or emergency situation should occur.

Come Up With a Plan

Have you made it a priority to take the time to sit down and work out an emergency preparedness plan for various disaster situations? If not, now is the time to do it!

There are numerous emergencies your business should have a preparedness plan in place for, including:

  • Fire
  • Severe weather, including thunderstorms and winter storms
  • Other natural hazards like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and earthquakes
  • Human-caused hazards, including accidents or acts of violence
  • Technology-related issues like power outages and equipment failure

An emergency or disaster is just that, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a man-made incident or one stemming from nature. If there is no emergency plan for your business in place, the situation could get even more dangerous quickly.

You should make sure that safety training and familiarization of emergency preparedness plans are included in the company on-boarding process, team-building activities and continuing education opportunities. By helping employees familiarize themselves with proper safety protocol and emergency procedures, you’re not only giving them the tools to protect themselves, but you are also setting them up to help protect guests/visitors and the business itself.

Start Here

As you begin to set up an emergency plan for your business, stop and evaluate which scenarios, even the long shots, could occur. After all, it’s better to be prepared for anything and not be caught off guard.

You can find plenty of resources online to aid and guide you through this process, including, the American Red Cross, FEMA and the CDC.

You might also want to consider conducting a business impact analysis (BIA) to aid in predicting the potential effect a disaster may have on your business. This would include lost or delayed sales and income, increased expenses from repairs, and delayed implementation of business plans. Don’t forget to make sure a crisis communications plan is in place, too.

Be sure that you review and practice your emergency preparedness plan with your employees once you have one completed. By reviewing and rehearsing various scenarios, you are ensuring the process remains fresh in their minds and can help employees feel more empowered.

Disaster can strike when you least expect it, but by being prepared and having a plan in place, your business will be better suited to handle whatever Mother Nature has in store. If the worst should happen and your business is damaged, know that SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County is here to help make it “Like it never even happened.” No matter the time, we're here 24/7 (845)831-3600.

When dealing with large commercial properties in Western Dutchess County....

4/9/2019 (Permalink)

A Desiccant Dehumidifier is a must-have for commercial properties with lots of square footage.

No matter what kind of damage your Western Dutchess County commercial building has suffered how overwhelming it might feel, here's a peek into how we handle the loss so you can go right back to business.

When you have a large loss, you break out the juggernaut to help get it dry. This mammoth machine is a Desiccant Dehumidifier.
A desiccant dehumidifier has a moisture absorbing wheel inside the unit that is made of silica gel – which is the desiccant (drying) element. Air enters the unit through an opening and travels through the silica gel wheel. When the air reaches the other side of the wheel it is dry and pushed out of the unit by a high static blower.

No matter the size of the disaster, having machines and equipment like this at our fingertips is crucial to taking care of it the right way quickly and efficiently with minimal business downtime. Call SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County for any of your commercial property cleanups.

Protecting Your Business From Fire Risks | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

3/7/2019 (Permalink)

It's a good idea to make sure you have a fire plan in place for your business!

Safety for your employees and visitors is just one of the factors business owners need to consider. If you are a business owner, one risk you will need to spend some time planning for and working toward preventing is a fire.

<h4causes-of-commercial-structure-fires">Leading Causes of Commercial Structure Fires

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), the leading causes of structure fires in office properties from 2007–2011 were (in order):

  1. Cooking equipment, 29% of fires
  2. Electrical distribution and lighting equipment, 12% of fires
  3. Heating equipment, 11% of fires
  4. Intentional, 10% of fires
  5. Smoking materials, 9% of fires
  6. Exposure, 4% of fires
  7. Electronic, office or entertainment equipment, 3% of fires

Of those causes, intentional, exposure, and electrical distribution and lighting equipment accounted for the most property damage with 20%, 18% and 15% respectively.

It was reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics that in 2007, fires and explosions accounted for 3% of all workplace fatalities.

Looking at more recent numbers, the NFPA estimates that from 2007–2011, U.S. fire departments responded to an average of 3,340 fires in office properties per year, which resulted in an annual average of four deaths, 44 injuries and $112 million in direct property damage.

<h4your-business">Protecting Your Business

By focusing on fire risk assessment, fire prevention and staff education, there are steps you can take to protect your business and help reduce the chance of a fire breaking out.

First, make an assessment of any fire hazard risks in your facility. In some locations, your local government may have a fire marshal that can visit your establishment to help identify these risks and provide guidance on your fire prevention plan.

You’ll want to make sure that the right fire protection equipment is in place. This includes an automatic sprinkler system, smoke detectors and fire extinguishers on each floor.

Finally, you must consider the safety of your employees and visitors. By creating a fire plan and regularly reviewing it with your staff, you’ll ensure that everyone knows what to do in the case of a fire. To keep fire safety procedures fresh in everyone’s mind, conduct fire drills at least once a year, and take time to review evacuation routes and the locations of your first-aid kits.

Despite best efforts with fire prevention and safety tips, the worst could always happen at your business. If a fire has damaged your business, SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County is available to help make it "Like it never even happened." Call us, no matter when and no matter where, 845-831-3600.

The Basics of Making a Disaster Plan for Your Business | SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County

1/11/2019 (Permalink)

Be able to roll with the punches by creating a natural disaster plan for your business.

With so many floods, tornadoes, wildfires, hurricanes and earthquakes in the news, Mother Nature is proving to be a force to be reckoned with. The key to being able to roll with the punches, so to speak, is to be prepared for the worst.

Preparing for worst-case scenarios involves creating a natural disaster plan for your business, which is why this blog will discuss aspects for consideration when working to design that plan.

Consider This

There are many different factors to consider when working out a disaster plan for your business. Those considerations to include are:

  1. How to protect your employees
  2. How to secure your assets
  3. How to get business up and running again

Thankfully, emergency agencies like the Red Cross, FEMA and have developed many helpful checklists that can identify areas that need to be included in your natural disaster preparedness plan and also areas you may have overlooked.

How to Protect Your Employees

If a disaster were to strike without warning, it is important that your human assets, employees and visitors, are protected by having a plan that lays out procedures and safety measures.

Make sure there are clearly marked evacuation routes and exits from your facility, consider installing emergency lights, have an area designated for use as a shelter, and have put together designated volunteer staff as “safety wardens” that are properly trained and ready to guide and assist with all emergency efforts.

When establishing shelter space, your first choice should be a basement or storm cellar in the event of tornadoes or other high-wind situations. If that type of space is not available, find a small interior room on the lowest level of the building, such as a closet or interior hallway.

Asset Protection in Disaster Plans

For businesses located in brick and mortar buildings, there is still the necessity to make mindful choices about protecting the assets inside that building. Your business is at risk for losing thousands of dollars in merchandise and equipment when a natural disaster strikes.

Always be sure that there is a detailed and complete up-to-date inventory of these items, and, if possible, take photographs as they will be helpful if insurance claims are made. If your assets are based on a computer server, take the steps necessary to ensure that the backup system operates correctly and the storage system cannot be damaged.

If you own the building your business is in, talk with a contractor to uncover areas that may need structural improvement. The contractor can suggest possible safety upgrades and advise on areas that may not hold up in certain weather situations.

Ways to Get Back in Business Quickly

When a natural disaster does occur and your business location sustains damage, it is very likely that your business will have to be closed due to that damage and while repairs are being made. Every day you remain closed is another day of lost profits, so it is wise move to have a “rainy day” fund set aside to help with additional costs that your insurer may not cover.

Have a list of contractors available for you to call on that would be available for repairs and construction concerns, and know which cleanup and restoration service company that will be available to quickly respond to your emergency situation.

With SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County, you can count on us to get to the disaster faster and make it "Like it never even happened." Our training and expertise have prepared us to help with water damage, storm damage, fire damage and mold remediation quickly and effectively.

Knowing what to do when disaster strikes your business is of the utmost importance. When it comes to the cleanup and restoration aspects, depend on SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County to be there for you. Call us no matter the emergency, 24/7: 845-831-3600.

Have a business in Western Dutchess County? Here's some important reasons to have a Fire Detection System in your building.

10/30/2018 (Permalink)

An important part of fire protection is detection.

A fire may happen anytime, anywhere – despite your best efforts to prevent one. Protecting lives and minimizing damage to property in the event of a fire are critical to the ongoing operations of your business.  

An important component of fire protection is detection – the ability to detect fire in its very early stages. Detection systems that provide early warning of fire are a key component of a property protection program. They also can play an important role in your life safety evacuation efforts.

The two most common choices for fire detection systems are smoke detectors and heat detectors. Which to use depends on a number of factors, including the occupancy being monitored and perhaps most importantly, your objectives (life safety & evacuation, or protection of property).

Smoke Detectors — Early Warning — Life Safety First!

Smoke detectors are best in areas where early detection and warning of a fire is critical to the preservation of life. They are an important part of a building’s life safety program. For life safety considerations, the requirements for smoke detection are covered in the NFPA 101 Life Safety Code.

Smoke detectors are also used where early detection and warning of a fire is critical to help minimize property damage and protect highly sensitive optics, electronic equipment, equipment in computer rooms and other equipment that are highly susceptible to damage from the byproducts of fire or combustion.

Heat Detectors — Early Warning — Particulate Environments

While smoke detectors may be the best choice in some fire protection applications, heat detectors could be a better choice for early warning in environments with too many airborne particulates due to excessive steam, moisture, dust or humidity, such as parking garages and truck docks. Smoke detectors in these environments may be prone to cause unwanted alarms. Heat detectors are generally not considered early warning systems for life safety evacuation.

If you have an automatic sprinkler system installed throughout your facility, it can help minimize the severity of a fire and also serve as a heat detection notification system. As such, it can help facilitate a more rapid response by you and the fire department. For the system to adequately respond as a heat detection and notification system, the sprinkler water flow should be monitored 24/7 and the system must remain in operating service (e.g., control valves open, control panel continuously energized).

Sounding the Alarm: Notification is Key

There is a difference between an individual smoke or heat detector, and a detection system. A properly arranged, monitored and maintained detection system has the major advantage in its ability to provide notification to building occupants and emergency responders in the earliest stages of a fire.

Detection systems should be arranged to sound an alarm throughout the building. They also should be connected to a 24/7 monitoring service where notification to the fire department will be prompt.

Whatever type of detection system you choose it should be installed and maintained in accordance with NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code.

Detection Systems and Beyond

As important as smoke and heat detectors are, detection is not a substitute for fire prevention and suppression, particularly when the combustibility of property – construction and contents – is significant.

Smoke and heat detectors do nothing to prevent or extinguish a fire. They are simply detectors designed to:

  • Detect an abnormal condition.
  • Sound an alarm to provide notification of a fire emergency.
  • Facilitate rapid evacuation of building occupants, and;
  • Signal emergency personnel to respond to a fire.

A complete fire risk management system should include both fire detection and suppression systems. The right fire suppression system is critical for fire safety preparedness! Learn more about fire suppression systems.

(Reference: Travelers Insurance for Business, Facilities Maintenance, Prepare & Prevent.

Emergency Preparedness for your Western Dutchess County building!

10/30/2018 (Permalink)

All the emergency info you'll need for your business, just in case.
The SERVPRO Emergency Response Profile app is available for all smart phones!

Are you ready in case of an emergency? Let SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County help you! 

We know how important it is to be ready for whatever happens! That's why we are working with local businesses to develop an easy tool, that is available as an app on your phone, with all vital building information! 

What is it?

A 24/48 hour snapshot of everything you may need to know in case of an emergency. It includes:

  • Photos of utility shutoff locations (i.e. water, gas, alarms, etc.)
  • Emergency Personnel Contact Information
  • Emergency Protocols
  • Floor Plans (...don’t have one? We’ll create one for you!)

Why do it?

  • Concise document that has all vital information in one spot, at your fingertips, no matter the need.
  • Easy to understand and read for all personnel
  • Access Available 24/7
  • Password secured document

We have completed over 550 ERPs for other local businesses in the Hudson Valley area. Let us help you be prepared! You never know when disaster may strike! 

Contact Kelly, Corey or Amy at the SERVPRO Western Dutchess County office for your free demo! 845-831-3600.

Commercial cleaning for your Western Dutchess business!

10/29/2018 (Permalink)

There is no commercial cleaning job SERVPRO can't handle.

This commercial building was required to complete an inspection and needed a general cleaning done in their facility. SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County came in and did a test cleaning of the facility to show the client the end results. The customer was extremely satisfied & overjoyed with the results.

No job is too big or too small for SERVPRO to handle. We can handle duct cleaning, carpet cleaning, terminal kitchen cleanings and post construction cleaning!

SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County is here to make your cleaning & damage “Like it never even happened”.

Call us today for a FREE estimate! You can reach us at 845-831-3600, we are available 24/7 to assist you! 

Helpful tips for preparing your Dutchess County business for Winter Weather

10/23/2018 (Permalink)

This is the last sign you want your clients to see at your business. Protect your investment!

Living in the Hudson Valley has taught us to never underestimate the power of Mother Nature. Most of us remember one horrible winter storm after another or deep freezes lasting for weeks on end. 

Protecting your business in the winter months is as vital as your home. Here are some great tips to help prepare your business for the upcoming winter and give you some piece of mind.

-Check your commercial property for downed tree limbs and branches. Weather such as wind, rain, ice and snow, can cause branches to fall, which could cause damage to the property and potentially cause personal injuries.

-Inspect your property's walkways and parking lots for proper drainage to alleviate flood hazards, trip/fall hazards, potholes and cracks and repairs needed to keep those areas free and clear (this is a good idea all year long).

-Inspect all handrails, stairwells and entry ways to address and correct potential slippery or hazardous areas. Install mats or non-slip surfaces and post caution signs where water could be present.

The best way to reduce business interruption following a disaster is to plan for it NOW.

-Ask SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County about starting an Emergency Ready Profile for your business. Call us today at 845-361-3600.

Before Help arrives, what to do if your Dutchess County business has been vandalized

10/23/2018 (Permalink)

Don't let your commercial property stay boarded up.

After safety has been restored, the alarms have been deactivated and the police report has been filed, call SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County at 845-831-3600 and follow these DOs and DON'Ts when your commercial property has been vandalized:


-Hose or wash off egg damage from building exterior as soon as possible.

-Vacuum glass particles from carpets and upholstery.

-Save containers which reveal the ingredients of spilled inks, cosmetics and paints.


-Attempt to remove ink, paint or cosmetic stains.

-Operate damaged lamps or appliances

-Discard furniture wood chips, broken pieces from porcelain, furniture or art objects.

Once SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County has arrived at your location, we'll take it from there and get your facility and the people who depend on it back in operation quickly. We will mitigate the damage to the structure and contents and provide effective cleanup and restoration services.

Like it never even happened.

Restoring your water-damaged commercial property in Dutchess County

10/22/2018 (Permalink)

Water intrusion can spread quickly throughout your property.

Flooding and water damage events at Dutchess County commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County

SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Water damage at your commercial property? Leave it to the experts, available 24/7. Contact our team at SERVPRO® of Western Dutchess County at 845-831-3600 and we’ll make it like it never even happened.

Restoring Commercial Property Water Damages | SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County

6/28/2018 (Permalink)

Call 845-831-3600 to help restore your commercial property today!

Flooding and water damage events at Dutchess County commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County

SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Meet Our Crew 

Commercial Cleaning Services after Disaster!

5/11/2017 (Permalink)

Available 24/7 for your cleanup & restoration needs!

Did you know that SERVPRO of Kingston/New Paltz AND SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County offers cleanup & restoration services for commercial properties in Dutchess & Ulster County?

SERVPRO is here to help in any residential or commercial property! We have extensive experience at restoring commercial properties to preloss condition in a timely manner! We understand how crucial it is to be back up and running as soon as possible so we are available 24/7 at 845-255-4334 and 845-831-3600 to help cleanup and restore water, fire & mold damages!

Did you know we are Large Loss Response Team certified?

The SERVPRO Disaster Recovery Team can provide help whether it’s a tornado, hurricane, blizzard or flood. The SERVPRO System has a network of strategically positioned storm teams on standby should a disaster strike near you. Available 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, we are prepared for the unpredictable.

Call 845-831-3600 for any questions or concerns!

Emergency Preparedness for your Dutchess County building

2/27/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO Emergency Ready Profile app is available for all smart phones.

Are you ready in case of an emergency? Let SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County help you! 

SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County is offering you an Emergency Ready Profile (ERP) for free! We know how important it is to be ready for whatever happens! That's why we are working with local businesses to develop an easy tool, that is available as an app on your phone, with all vital building information! 

What is it?

A 24/48 hour snapshot of everything you may need to know in case of an emergency. It includes:

  • Photos of utility shutoff locations (i.e. water, gas, alarms, etc.)
  • Emergency Personnel Contact Information
  • Emergency Protocols
  • Floor Plans (...don’t have one? We’ll create one for you!)

Why do it?

  • It’s FREE! We do all the work for you!
  • Concise document that has all vital information in one spot
  • Easy to understand and read for all personnel
  • Access Available 24/7
  • Password secured document


We have completed over 500 ERPs for other local businesses in the Hudson Valley area. Let us help you be prepared! You never know when disaster may strike! 

Contact Kelly Gamma at 845-831-3600 at the SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County office for your free demo! 


SERVPRO Helping To Keep Dutchess & Ulster County Prepared for ANY Emergency

6/14/2016 (Permalink)

An ERP is a 24-48 hours snapshot of all the building and contact information you may need in the event of an emergency.

What is an Emergency Response Plan (ERP)?

A 24/48 hour snapshot of everything you may need to know in case of an emergency. It includes:

· Photos of utility shutoff locations (i.e. water, gas, alarms, etc.)

· Emergency Personnel Contact Information

· Emergency Protocols

· Floor Plans (...don’t have one? We’ll create one for you!)


Why get an Emergency Response Plan (ERP)?

· It’s FREE! We do all the work for you!

· Concise document that has all vital information in one spot

· Easy to understand and read for all personnel

· Access Available 24/7

· Password secured document

Call SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County and SERVPRO of Kingston/New Paltz today at 845-831-3600 or email us at to get started on your ERP!

We’re here to help make you future damage “Like it never even happened”.

Commercial Cleaning For Your Business: Keeping it Local with SERVPRO

6/14/2016 (Permalink)

Photo depicts a test cleaning of a before and after ceiling of the facility.

This commercial building was required to complete an inspection and needed a general cleaning done in their facility. SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County & SERVPRO of Kingston/New Paltz came in and did a test cleaning of the facility to show the client the end results. The customer was extremely satisfied & overjoyed with the results.

No job is too big or too small for SERVPRO to handle. We can handle duct cleaning, carpet cleaning, terminal kitchen cleanings and post construction cleaning!

SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County & SERVPRO of Kingston/New Paltz is here to make your cleaning & damage “Like it never even happened”.

Call us today for a FREE estimate! You can reach us at 845-831-3600 or 845-255-4334. We are available 24/7 to assist you! 

Restoring Your Dutchess County Commercial Property After A Water Damage Event

6/13/2016 (Permalink)

Commercial Water Damage Events Present Unique Challenges

Flooding and water damage events at Dutchess County commercial properties are often complex with numerous issues that require a knowledgeable and flexible response. Whether we’re dealing with a relatively small water cleanup scenario or a large scale event, we work quickly to assess each unique situation and isolate the damaged area. In many instances, normal operations can continue in a temporary space while we restore your facility.

Restoring Commercial Properties Presents Unique Challenges

Our professionals are trained to be mindful of legal and environmental concerns and strive to fully restore the damaged area while working within your budgetary constraints. We understand that every hour spent cleaning up is an hour of lost revenue and productivity. So when an emergency situation arises in your business, give us a call and we’ll be there fast with the help you need.

About SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County

SERVPRO of Western Dutchess County specializes in the cleanup and restoration of commercial and residential property after a water damage event. Our staff is highly trained in property damage restoration. From initial and ongoing training at SERVPRO’s corporate training facility to regular IICRC-industry certification, rest assured our staff is equipped with the knowledge to restore your property.

Meet Our Crew